Being Happy Being Alone
A request came in the other day. It said, “You should do a class on how to be happy being alone.”
Wow. It brought me back to my nomad years (which wasn’t that long ago.). The polarity of traveling wherever and whenever I wanted, hiking to the most beautiful places, loving the fact I could choose whatever pace I wanted and whatever trail beckoned to me. I’d reach the peak, and looking over an idyllic scene think… “I have no one to share this with.”

Humans are great that way. My instructor in homeopathy school said something like, “Humans have this pull. We want to be part of the herd, in groups, as our survival mechanism. Yet, we have this desire to differentiate. To be different than the others. To be individualized.” It’s where I started to deeply understand relationship dynamics at a deep level. Our deepest unconscious desires and mechanisms want secure attachment for safety and bonding, yet also want to be independent, strong, and have freedom
Anything to Avoid Being Alone
Yikes. And then, to avoid being alone, we sometimes end up in relationships that don’t serve us or are downright destructive. Yes, we get to learn from those and… when we find joy in aloneness, we can attract and maintain relationships that feed our soul at a deep and powerful level.
So let’s enrich our ability to be happy being alone. Whether you are single or not, I created a masterclass to take you through powerful exercises to empower you to find joy being alone. You get to let go of loneliness, find self-confidence, create stronger boundaries, AND have an opportunity to really define what you truly desire in a relationship- and how to identify it.
So here’s the link to register and receive immediate access. It’s mainly aimed at singles, and yet we all have moments when we feel alone, even with a partner or in a crowd. Learning to be happy while alone without shutting down is not only a skill, it’s a deep learning on how to love yourself so others loving you too is a welcome bonus.
With love,