Choose Wisely; Know Your Triggers
I know most of what creates sudden emotional reactivity (often called triggers) within myself. Do you know your triggers? One of my spiritual teachers was saying the more we know ourselves and the more congruency we have within our lives, the less triggered we become by “negative” circumstances.
Know Thyself
Know yourself beyond your daily description of you. For example. If I ask you to describe yourself in three sentences, you must limit yourself in some way. You’re not able to express the fullness of your being in just a few sentences. We are complex, intricate, and infinite beings, right? We are part of nature, we’re adaptable. All in all, when we realize who we are instead of defining ourselves by the desires, expectations, or judgements of society, we get to witness and discharge negative emotions almost effortlessly.
“Negative” Moments Happen and Can Trigger Emotion
For example, many of you know that in Denver this October while I was nomadic, my truck got broken into; my work computer, my school work, my files, my only backup, a bunch of massage gift certificates that were given to me, some cash, and every adapter that I needed was stolen. How would you react to this circumstance?
On this occasion I was upset. Of course I also felt vulnerable because needed to sleep in my truck with the windows broken and glass strewn throughout. Though friends offered to purchase me a hotel room, I didn’t want to leave my truck because I had more that could be stolen. Instead, I used my EFT Tapping tools to calm my fight/flight down, breathed and prayed, thought it through, and started calling the women I networked with. I found a safe driveway to park in, and got a hug in the process.
Time to Let Go
I kept in contact with the police and tried to find my stolen goods through the power of “Find My” on my Mac and checking out pawn shops. I had to leave town. And then, I let it go. In other words, I released the trauma, the fear, the overwhelm of OMG I HAVE TO RECREATE EVERYTHING FOR MY BUSINESS!
I had been intending to rebrand, my NLP and hypnosis and other unconscious mind trainings had shifted my mission in the world. This opportunity to start anew arose. The hypnosis training, NLP, and unconscious mind work came forward and suddenly, I KNEW my deeper purpose. My soul mission, you may say.
New Identity, New Opportunity
Remember a time when you did or started something new. How did you feel? How did you react? I got to start from scratch. When I looked at it as an opportunity to shift my business to the next level and release old expectations and energies, I felt free.
Freedom Changes Everything
You are free right now. So am I. However, we often don’t think we are.
Everything changed in my life after that weekend. Within a month, I had learned I would be off the road (not living nomadically anymore) and starting to rent. I would be getting my lovely Kitty Valentine back. I had a big shift in relationships in my life. I’d be changing where my massage business was located. I could choose to feel trapped, however, I chose to know myself, my purpose, my triggers, and choose the feeling of freedom.
Freedom of Flow
I got to just go with the flow. I got to just witness and trust that there was a reason all this was happening. Why? I know I can adapt to anything. Do you see yourself as adaptable? Can you step into the unknown, to do the thing that’s been too scary to do?
You Can Feel Free
I know you are wondering how to let go in an area of your life. Did you know I can help you with that? I can teach you the tools to start yourself, or, if you prefer to have accountability and support through one-on-one sessions, book an appointment here to make that happen. After all, we all deserve to know ourselves at the deepest level. To feel calm, joy, and peace. You are reading this because you are ready, aren’t you?
I look forward to our connection.