Why Do We Cheat? Is Infidelity as Common as It Seems?
What is Cheating?
What do you consider cheating? Is it engaging on social media with another person? Flirting? Kissing? Watching porn? Sex? What does infidelity consist of? Individuals and relationships are struggling these days. Relationship advice sends mixed messages that echo opinions of how women and men are “supposed to” act in relationships. The truth is, people are not always aware of their unconscious needs in a relationship (based upon what they learned in childhood and from past experiences), nor what they need to see from their partner to experience connection and love.
One site describes it as, “a physical or emotional affair entered into without the express consent of one’s partner.” Yet other spaces add a third component–virtual infidelity. Both men and women reported being more jealous, hurt, and threatened when discovering their significant other had an emotional affair over a sexual or virtual affair that had no emotional engagement.
Do Men or Women Cheat More?
Conversations online joke that women cheat more often but they are just more subtle and secretive about it. Some studies say that the rate of infidelity in marriage goes up as we age; one study showed 10% of under-30 men and 11% of under-30 women admitting they cheated, whereas 29% of 60-69 year-old-men and 17% of 50-59 year-old women admitted the same.
Is A Relationship Possible After Infidelity?
It is. For some couples, the knowledge forces them to take a deep look at themselves, actions, and the relationship as a whole and make purposeful and positive changes. However, there must be emotional healing, ideally on both sides, to release negative emotions such as jealousy, guilt, betrayal, and shame.
In fact, I hold courses on Emotional Freedom Techniques for betrayal and infidelity, as well as a course that provides deep healing as it helps you address When to End and When To Stay in your Relationship. These are available live (check the schedule here) or previously recorded (purchase lifetime access here). Rather talk about it? Schedule your free conversation here.

Now What?
If you cheated, you may have guilt, regret, and indecision as you make your next decision. The echo of possibility remains to be seen. You desire to be valued and loved.
If you’ve been cheated on, you feel anger, betrayal, grief. Wonder if you are loveable. Is it time to forgive? Or leave? What’s the right choice?
People want to have a healthy, loving relationship. You want to be heard, seen, loved, and valued.
Whether you come to me as an individual or as a couple, I guide you through tools and processes to release the emotional turmoil and baggage that prevents healing.
All You Need To Do Is:

1. Schedule a free 30 minute appointment here or by calling or texting 651-401-6131.
2. We have a conversation.
3. Find Peace & Gain confidence to move forward in a healthy and powerful way!
Take Charge Of Your Future
Avoid getting stuck with pain and heartache. You don’t want these patterns to repeat. Be the strong, powerful, confident person that others talk about with pride. Create a good relationship example for your kids and others in your life. Show others the power of healing as you create strong boundaries and powerful communication skills whether you stay in a current relationship or move on with ease and grace.