Release Jealousy, Insecurity, and Doubt
Where Does Jealousy and Insecurity Come From?
Do you think jealousy and insecurity comes as a response from what your significant other is doing? Sure, you can argue that point all you want. BUT… you may have tuned out the part of you that has decided (through experience or childhood observation) that you are not enough in some way. (BTW, If you are reading this, that means YOU ARE ENOUGH!) The part that has seen and experienced betrayal, lying, or manipulation. The lovely piece of you that is ready to heal and find confidence and joy again.
Let’s Talk Security and Boundaries
When we feel secure in ourselves, our brain notices how we are appreciated, loved and respected. When we have good boundaries, we have clear communication with our significant others about our concerns and decide together what boundaries (and consequences for breaking them) are.
Does that mean that you and/ or your SO get to do whatever you want? Or that you get to control the other in the name of the relationship? Nope. What that means is you get to:
- Shift unconscious beliefs that drive your mind to voice jealousy and insecurity.
- Clear emotions surrounding the past and past relationships.
- Then evaluate the reality of what is happening in your relationship.
Perhaps you are right and it’s time to end it. Or, perhaps finding the calm and confidence that comes with healing will reconnect you to your husband, wife, or partner. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Learn about your options by booking a call with Dawn.
Jealous of Cell Phone Use?

You are not alone! According to Pew Research Center, “roughly half (51%) say their partner is often or sometimes distracted by their cellphone while they are trying to have a conversation with them, and four-in-ten say they are at least sometimes bothered by the amount of time their partner spends on their mobile device.”
Even more, over 23% of people say they have felt unsure or jealous of their partnership or marriage because of how and when the other is using or interacting on social media.
Learn to Easily Release Jealousy!
This Class is designed for you! Dawn will guide you through EFT Tapping to help heal your current and past relationship triggers and challenges, and can help you break patterns that create intimacy issues, feelings of separation, jealousy, insecurity, anger, and loneliness.
It’s Easy.
- Sign up for the 4-week class right now
- Participate live or watch the replays (you have lifetime access!)
- Watch your life and relationship transform
You don’t want to suffer forever, do you? To push others away with insecurity and fear? Spending all your energy imagining the worst-case scenario? Become the strong, powerful, confident person that others talk about with pride, and create the relationship everyone is envious of.
You can do this! I believe in you. You have nothing to lose. See you in class.