What is EFT Tapping?
What is EFT Tapping?
EFT Tapping Is Great For Stress Reduction
Are you seeking effective stress relief methods? Mediation and Yoga have become popular. Pharmaceutical interventions seem like an easy solution, yet the associated side effects often prompt exploration of additional complimentary solutions. One such method gaining traction is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) tapping, a seemingly simple yet impactful technique endorsed by its users for its rapid stress-alleviating effects. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is an evidence-based self-help therapeutic method. Over 100 studies demonstrate its efficacy for cravings, anxiety, depression, and stress.
When was EFT Created?
Dr. Roger Callahan patented a specific technique called Thought Field Therapy that used tapping on body. Gary Craig, a student of Dr. Callahan, refined the approach and called it Emotional Freedom Techniques. In the 1990s Craig’s website became very popular with a series of EFT videos he released to the public.
Calming Mind and Body Connection
“Disciplines such as yoga, massage, tai chi, and acupuncture rely on a body-mind connection, and evidence shows that these interventions can relieve stress, depression, anxiety, and other psychological disorders. EFT tapping falls into the category of body-centered therapies.” (WebMD)
Scientific studies attest to the effectiveness of acupuncture for certain conditions, with proponents and research showing that its impact is attributed to the stimulation of the central nervous system and the subsequent release of beneficial chemicals. EFT tapping echoes this principle, aligning itself with the user-friendly nature of acupressure. Not to mention, tapping can be done anywhere, at anytime, with minimal training for personal use (which is why I teach it to all my clients and you can learn it for free in my course here!)
EFT Is Great for Kids
Your self-care routine (or lack thereof) will be modeled by your kids. When we live stressful, high-pressure lives or are always on the go, your children’s unconscious minds will model the performance anxiety and stress their parents are displaying. You can change that by using stress reduction techniques and teaching your kids!
Kids also get a lot of benefit from using EFT Tapping. It is effective for all ages! Therefore tapping is used in schools to help students reduce test anxiety and bullying. It improves self-esteem, focus, and concentration so students perform better in school overall.
If you are a teacher or want to learn how to bring it to your child’s classroom, click here!

EFT Is Used Anytime, Anywhere.
As you begin incorporating EFT tapping into your stress management repertoire, flexibility is a key advantage. Whether you opt for self-administration or work with a practitioner like me for more thorough and deep guidance, EFT tapping is a powerful, flexible tool that can transform stress and heightened emotions into immediate calm, confidence, and clarity.
How to Do EFT?

Full Basic EFT tapping sessions involve identifying the situation that is creating the emotion, rating the distress level on a scale of 0 to 10, speaking a “set-up statement” that both identifies the issue and embraces self-acceptance, and proceeding with the tapping sequence on specified acupoints.
The tapping locations include the side of the hand, three positions around the eye, the area beneath the nose, the area beneath the lips, the collarbone, the underarm, and the crown of the head. Typically, seven to nine taps are administered at each location. The session concludes with a reassessment of emotional intensity levels, with the process continuing until people’s levels are below a level of 3/10 intensity-usually to a 0.
However, tapping even one or two points without speaking a word is also effective- especially if you are practicing the full Basic Emotional Freedom Technique sequence on a fairly regular basis.
EFT is great to help you heal emotional wounds from relationships, find more emotional intelligence, and even heal repressed emotions.
How Often to Do EFT Tapping?
Daily is great. Whenever stress or emotional states appear, you can do tapping to create harmony in your mind and body. You get to use EFT tapping when you are feeling pressure about future performance. When there is dissonance in your family life, tap on it. When you can’t grasp an idea, sit and breathe and tap silently on the points. There is no “set time” to do EFT tapping. Remember to rate your level of “negative” emotional intensity before you start, and bring it down to 3 or under before stopping.
Learn EFT For Free Today!
I have put together an online class with full video instructions, a PDF, as well as a 6-minute summary. This class also includes a video called The Science of EFT.
- Sign up by clicking this link
- Listen to or watch the courses at your own pace!
- Contact Dawn Bennett for support and get EFT Tapping near you!
In essence, EFT tapping encapsulates a synthesis of ancient Chinese wisdom from acupuncture and contemporary insights into mind-body connections. Whether applied independently or with professional guidance, it has emerged as a viable and methodical approach for stress reduction in a diverse range of individuals.
Happy Tapping!